We are under no illusions -
This is the biggest project in Australia’s history since Federation in 1901.
A New Approach - changing hearts and minds.
It is time to create a campaign unlike any other in the history of the 7th State movement. It is time to create a campaign that focusses on values like fairness and equality, a campaign that celebrates the benefits of a 7th State to our region and the nation as a whole.
We will engage professionals from a variety of fields to design the model and policy argument that will secure further contributions and support.
At the end of this process, we will have the case for a 7th State developed and the first stage of the new campaign mapped out.
This campaign will create a People’s Movement for change - by the people, for the people.
A Positive Narrative
We are not victims! We have the ability to be self-sufficient and we are ready, willing and able to form the 7th State.
Put it to the People
Our call to action will be a slogan that has been used in other successful campaigns throughout the world.
Statistical Survey
A groundswell of support will compel the Australian Government to take action by giving us a voice.

It is time to create more than a new state.
It is time to make history.
As a region, we are outperforming other Australian states.
The region of Central and Northern Queensland has been referred to as a “super region” in a recent economic report* that outlined the significant contributions our region makes to the Australian economy:
Townsville – Location of major army and airforce base
Cairns – Location of North-Eastern Australian naval base
Rockhampton – Location of Australia’s periodic joint international defence exercises
ASMTI - part of a $2.25 billion investment by the Singapore Government to develop a 310,000 hectare training area at Greenvale and expand the existing Defence area at Shoalwater Bay near Rockhampton.
In addition to playing a major role in our region’s domestic tourism , the Great Barrier Reef also contributes to our region’s international holiday visitation which exceeds the States of Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania.
Cairns airport – largest passenger throughput of all airports in Australia outside of the major metropolitan and near-metropolitan areas.
*Cummings Economics “POPULATION NOW ONE MILLION” May 2023
Value of mineral production - based especially on the Central and Mackay regions’ coal fields, Mount Isa area base metals and Weipa’s bauxite, our region’s production leads all states except Western Australia.
Value of merchandise exports by sea - based especially on mineral production, our region is second only to Western Australia
Value of total merchandise exports (including those by air) - our region is third in the nation, ahead of the States of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania.
Seaports - Record some of the largest cargo tonnages in Australia
Agricultural production in Central and Northern Queensland is almost on par with that of South Australia and commercial fishing contributions remain strong.
Australia’s largest beef production region with Rockhampton the “Beef Capital of Australia”.
Australia’s largest sugar producing region with the Mackay region leading.
Cairns region is now Australia’s third largest fruit producing region.
Major fishery region led by activity in the Cairns region.